
Every few years my computer gets a virus or just crashes and I immediately go in to panic mode. Who do I know that can help me fix it ASAP. More importantly can I still access my data and is it still intact?

Most of us have insurance policies for their homes and cars just in case. But how about your computer? What would you do if your computer gets hit with a virus or crashes? All of your important files from your photos, music, home videos, contacts, projects, etc. could be gone forever.

When my computer to got hit a while back I bought an external hard drive back up. But after a while life happens, I got busy and forgot to back it up one week, which turned into months, then eventually I just unplugged it and stored it in my closet thinking one day I would do the right thing, plug it back into my computer and back it up. That still hasn’t happened.

Fast forward to 2017 where everything is in the “clouds” we have a tendency to think that my Google accounts or social media accounts will save anything I really need. With all the attacks on some of the major brands from Target, Yahoo and so on, no person or organization is safe online unless you go “unplugged”. Unfortunately, our lives for better or worse rely heavily on the digital world.

My job evolves around digital marketing. I can’t afford to lose any data whatsoever. It would be like owning a retail store and having a fire. But where is the insurance for my data?

A few months ago my computer got the ‘blue screen of death” and a good friend of mine was able to fix and save all of my data. Yes, history repeated itself again. Then I started backing up my Google Drive with Dropbox. By the way, it’s never a good idea to have all your eggs or data in this case in one basket because you never know. But old nasty habits reared its head again, I got lazy, skipped a week from backups, skipped another few weeks, etc.

Enough is enough. I had a to find a solution that could just automatically sync my Google Drive with my Dropbox so this way I wouldn’t leave things to chance, especially with my tendency to procrastinate. After doing a quick search online I came across cloudHQ. I took advantage of their free trial and loved it! This was the answer to this problem. Every time I made any changes to any doc I was working on or added some new files, boom, cloudHQ automatically synced and backed up my files. Procrastination problem solved!

If you value your data like most people do just do the right thing and back up your data in at least 2 places. If you are too cheap to spend the fee for cloudHQ then think about how much it would cost if you lost all of that important data. I rest my case. The choice is yours, do the right thing, you’ll thank me later.